I apologize for the absence. I've been covered up with projects and writing and realized today that I've missed writing a blog entry for a while. So, I have some ideas and in the next few days I hope to correct that problem and bring you some helpful information in the next few days.
First, exciting news! My new book Oracle Database 12c New Features is out. I'm really excited about this book! I think it may well be my best new features book to date. There is so much in Oracle Database 12c - real break through new features like Oracle multitennant. Great administrative new features such as even more online operations are available for commands such as drop index, drop constraint, alter index unusable and alter index visible and alter index invisible.
I'm pleased to see the book doing well on Amazon. To have a technical book sit somewhere below 100,000 on the sales ranking is a very good sign on sales. The book has been sitting in the 30 to 50k range since it was released - I have you to thank for that! I worked hard on this book along with the contributors Scott Black and Eric Yen. Tom Kyte also did a stellar job on his introduction and in the insights he adds with his Tom Says sections. I hope you will enjoy the book. I will be adding an errata page to this blog in the near future (as soon as I get the first errata entry!).
Something else that always seems to happen to me is that I discover a new feature, after the New Feature book is released, that I really wish I'd written about. I will be setting up a page specific to these new features as soon as the first one surfaces. I'll also be blogging about them here as well.
You will be able to access both pages from the main page of this blog easily. So stand-by for that.
In the near future I will be writing more about Oracle Database 12c, and I will also be writing about Exadata some more. The next QFSDP is around the corner (January) and from what I've heard it may well be one of the more significant QFSDP patches we have seen in a while. More on that as things develop.
More soon!