Friday, October 11, 2013

Oracle Database 12c New Features is almost here!

I've had several emails asking me about my new book Oracle Database 12c New Features. Well it's almost here! For those of you who are interested in gory details, writing a book is a multi-phased process.

1. You do a proposal, they accept... or don't.
2. You write your chapters.
3. The chapters go through technical editing - I get the chapter back and have to review and reply to each comment by the technical reviewer. Then I send the chapter back for copy editing.
4. The chapters go through copy editing - this is where they correct grammar, sentence structure, the general outline and so on.

5. The publisher then typesets the pages. In this process the pages are transferred from a word document, into a format that the printer can use. After the pages are all set, a PDF of the page is produced and sent to the author.
6. Review the page proofs and return comments and corrections.
7. The publisher does more of whatever they do before the book goes to the printing press.
8. The book is printed. It used to be that the print runs were larger. My 9i New Features book first print run was 5,000 copies I think, maybe even 10,000. Now days, they can print on demand much easier so the initial print runs are usually not as large. I'm not sure how big this print run will be.
9. The book is shipped out to be sold by Web and brick and mortar stores.

So... I just finished step 6, the page proofs.... which pretty much ends the writing process for the book. Now, it's just a matter of getting it printed. I am hopeful that we will get it in the stores before the currently reported publish date of 12/13/2013.

I'm now taking a 2-3 day holiday and then starting on my next book project - OCP - Oracle 12c Administrator Certified Professional!

I have another project coming sometime in the future that I call "Scorched Earth", but that's a totally different story and has nothing to do with Oracle. Someday I will write a book about it though.

Enjoy your Columbus day!!

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